Why Orthodontic Treatment Is Important
It’s a common belief that the main benefit of orthodontic treatment is achieving a straight, aesthetic looking smile. While a beautiful smile is proven to boost confidence and self-esteem, orthodontic treatment goes far beyond appearances.
Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontic treatment is something you can benefit from at any age! The Canadian Dental Association notes that “teeth that are crooked, crowded, or that stick out affect the way your teeth look and work. Orthodontic treatment not only improves the look of your smile but your health as well.” Many of our first-time patients aren’t aware of the following benefits of their orthodontic treatment:
- Cleaner teeth. Straighter teeth make them easier to brush and floss!
- Reduced risk of decay, cavities and periodontal disease. When teeth are crooked or overcrowded, it’s easier for little pieces of food to get trapped. This can lead to several oral health problems if not addressed.
- Reduced chipping and grinding of teeth. Orthodontic treatment that helps straighten teeth, such as braces and retainers, eliminates grinding habits for some patients.
- Improved speech. Proper speech involves all parts of the mouth, including teeth! The correct formation of words is much easier when teeth are properly aligned.
- Improved chewing. Everyday activities like eating and drinking can be hard if your teeth and jaw don’t line up properly. Orthodontic treatment can help improve your bite and shift everything into alignment!
- Improved breathing. There is a specific treatment option called airway orthodontics that can assist in optimizing airway passages.
Orthodontic Treatment in Airdrie, AB
Our brand new orthodontic office in Airdrie, AB is open and accepting new patients! If you’re interested in improving your oral health with Airdrie Invisalign, Airdrie Braces or Airdrie mouthguards, please send us an email or live chat with us on our website! Be sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for all our latest updates and information!